Thursday, June 7, 2012

Have you ever seen a miracle?

Have you ever seen a miracle?  No!  Then imagine... that you are looking down, from some high window, upon the lights of a great city.  Lights radiating far as the eye can reach:  double rows of lights delineating streets; moving lights indicating cars; red, blue and green lights advertising merchandise or places of entertainment.  Hark to the ascending roar of the traffic!  Pause awhile:  gaze and listen.  What a whirlpool!  Now turn your head and glance upward.  There, twinkling remotely above, are the silent stars.  They are worlds -myriads of them!  Look down and wonder -look up and marvel -until you ask yourself, in a sudden spasm of ungrammatical amazement: 'Where, the Thunder, did all this come from?'
-excerpt from Nothing Dies by J.W. Dunne.

The real miracle, the incredible thing, is that any of this exists at all.

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