Monday, March 5, 2012

Colds, Travel, and Dieting

I have had a terrible cold for a few days.  My one year old son had it first.  Before I had children, I was hardly ever sick.  Now, whenever they catch a bug, I get it also.  As such, I'm waiting for my health to return before I begin adjusting my diet. 

I'll be on the road for business the next two weeks.  After this, we have a Spring Break vacation planned.  I think I'm going to wait until I return from vacation to start a diet program. 

It's always so easy to put off starting a diet.  But, it's not so difficult to set a date in the not-so-far-off future and to stick with it.  I've set my mind to begin the Monday after returning from Spring Break, ie. Easter Monday.  I'm already instructing my good wife to go easy on the Easter candy as I don't want the house full of junk food when we start our diet.  In the meantime, I will continue studying about my diet of choice, this time reduced calories.

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