Sunday, March 4, 2012

M&E Thoughts, Day 4

Morning and evening thoughts, 1908. By James Allen.

Fourth Morning
When the tongue is well controlled and wisely subdued; when selfish impulses and unworthy thoughts no longer rush to the tongue demanding utterance; when the speech has become harmless, pure, gracious, gentle, and purposeful, and no word is uttered but in sincerity and
truth-then are the five steps in virtuous speech accomplished, then is the second great lesson in Truth learned and mastered. 
Make pure thy heart, and thou wilt make thy life Rich, sweet and beautiful.

Fourth Evening
Having clothed himself with humility, the first questions a man asks himself are:-
“How am I acting towards others?”
“What am I doing to others?”
“How am I thinking of others?”
“Are my thoughts of, and acts towards others prompted by unselfish love?”
As a man, in the silence of his soul, asks himself these searching questions, he will unerringly see where he has hitherto failed.


  1. There is a difference between biting your tongue and subduing it.  If your mind is righteous then so to will be the thoughts which you utter.  Does this pertain mostly to how you talk about others or is it does it also reflected in the use of colorful phrases and foul language?  
  2. Ask yourself the questions mentioned with regards to how you relate to and think about others.  Would you answer these questions the same regardless of who these "others" were?  For example, instead of "others" you might ask how you relate to family, friends, co-workers, strangers, customer service, authority figures, etc.  Do you relate to all of these different groups equally or unequally?  What does this imply about your humility?  

In 1908, James Allen published "Morning and Evening Thoughts" which consists of short inspirational writings to be read over a period of 31 days.  Due to the age, this text is considered public domain and can be copied and shared freely.  For each day in March, I will post his morning and evening thoughts along with my own commentary.  The intention is to mold my mind and spirit, focusing on positive thinking.  Please feel free to follow along with me now or later and post your own comments attached to each post.  

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